Support Animal Shelters This Winter

The tendrils of winter are slowly unravelling, taking hold of the bright and beautiful summer days; animal welfare organisations have started sending out pleas for help through the coming cold winter months.

We are not ready, nobody is ready and yet winter is coming. However, we can start getting ready and lending a helping hand now, to ease the chilly burden that is to come. We have seen several animal welfare organisations start asking for help with winter readiness, and so we thought now is the perfect time to help them prep.

Good-quality blankets, kennels, warm animal clothing, a towel, and lots of comforting food are what are needed to keep animals warm through the coming winter.

Many charities hate to be picky, but the reality is the “budget” blankets (aka those cheap grey ones) do not wash well, so they are not a viable option. Sturdy second-hand blankets and towels are perfect to help animal welfare organisations rotate and clean their stock. Or, if you can, Pep has fleece and “stormy” blankets that are affordable and last.

Another way to help, if you do not have donations, is to lend a helping hand with washing. Things take much longer to dry in the winter, and if you have the space to add a load or two to your washing line, you will help greatly! In Cape Town, where winters are wet, a tumble dry load is welcomed to help dry blankets, too!

Things to donate:

  • Blankets, new or used – made of sturdy quality
  • Towels
  • Second-hand pet beds
  • Kennels and Cat boxes
  • Pet food, dry and wet.
  • Animal jackets
  • Washing supplies (softener and washing powder/liquid)
  • Time in your tumble dryer
  • Building supplies to make kennels and shelters.
